Hi, first of all thank you for your answer; before perform the update I checked someting wrong about the database as you can see with those two new images, so I checked it in Maintenance -> Database but everthing was ok, included the extension I use, so I installed from the upgrade file downloaded from the Joomla.org site.The error suggests there is something wrong with the Joomla manifest file. How have you been doing the updates through the 4.x series? You might try System / Update Joomla / Check for Updates / Reinstall Joomla core files
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Does it possible that the "preflight" check message only refers to that, that for some reason the Database has been considered wrong but it is right, because anyway all is working fine?
Just to be sure I reinstalled the Joomla core files obtaining always the same "preflight" "warning".
Statistics: Posted by jkftv — Sat Jan 13, 2024 4:37 pm