My host answered that it's on Mariadb, but same version before and after migrationI would suggest the fact you're running out of date Joomla is a contributing factor to this problem as is your web host running PHP 7.3.3 (EOL 2 years ago).
I could take a wild guess - did the web host change your database from MySql to MariaDB by any chance? The version currently installed and running may not be fully compatible with Joomla 3.9. (it may have worked with earlier MariaDB versions but not version: 10.6.16-MariaDB-cll-lve).
You could try setting up your site on your PC with WAMPServer, you can set up different PHP versions, and different databases to try various configurations. You can find Wampserver here:
Then export your live site's database, (phpMyAdmin), import it into a new database in WAMPServer, install an appropriate copy of PHP (like 7.4.33), copy down the joomla system files into the Wampserver folder (e.g c:\wamp64\www\[yoursitefolder]\) where "yoursitefolder" is whatever you name it.
The above is for testing, if you don't have the flexibility on your webhost to change PHP versions and so forth.
Statistics: Posted by phidias81 — Sun Jan 14, 2024 3:23 pm