What PHP setting is this (assuming it is a PHP setting)? I thought upload_max_filesize or post_upload_size, but both are set at 768Mb. Then I checked Media | Options | Media | Maximum Size (in MB) and that's set to 10Mb.
Kind of stumped. I can easily enough upload via FTP, but Joomla isn't playing ball. I checked a few other sites and found they also display the 1Mb upload limit. I know I've uploaded many files much bigger than 1Mb in the past, so would appreciate some pointers in what to look at.
Kind of stumped. I can easily enough upload via FTP, but Joomla isn't playing ball. I checked a few other sites and found they also display the 1Mb upload limit. I know I've uploaded many files much bigger than 1Mb in the past, so would appreciate some pointers in what to look at.
Statistics: Posted by trogladyte — Mon Jan 15, 2024 4:52 pm